2 thoughts on “March 2019 Completed Calendar!”

  1. Are you using OneNote 2016 or the Windows App version? I have found your tutorials to be very different than the Windows App version I have on my Surface Book 2. It doesn’t have as many features but MS said they are phase out 2016 next year? Also I have a LOT of trouble with syncing…if I delete notes in OneDrive it won’t sync to the same on my phone, etc. They keep showing up.

    1. Hi Amy, I believe I am using what you are calling the app version. I use OneNote for Windows 10 also called OneNote UWP (Universal Windows Program), also called just “OneNote.” I think people call both versions (OneNote 2016 and OneNote for Windows 10) apps so I like to be clear. I don’t know why your version looks different unless it is using OneNote 2016. As far as phasing out OneNote 2016, Microsoft is no longer adding any features and support will decrease in 2020 and end in 2025. If you need features from OneNote 2016 it will be around for a while to use. For syncing, one thing that trips me up sometimes is the settings on the devices. Sometimes my phone is set to only sync on wifi, so even if click “sync now” it won’t sync unless I am connected to wifi. Sometimes I do have small sync issues that seem random. I hope that helps! ~Michele

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