Here is January’s calendar all filled in with something good that happened each day! This is a habit I’ve been doing for several years, and it really helps me to stay positive and remember that good things happen every day!

Use OneNote to live an accomplished and fulfilled life
Here is January’s calendar all filled in with something good that happened each day! This is a habit I’ve been doing for several years, and it really helps me to stay positive and remember that good things happen every day!
I like to fill in my monthly calendar by noting something good that happened each day! Here is December, all filled in!
Timestamps for this video (in case you want to skip ahead):
3-Month experiment results: 14:48
December Planning: 23:18
This is a plan with me video for November and December 2019. This video also included the results of a 3-month experiment I did during August to October using a paper planner and system to help to train me to not overschedule myself every day.
Links mentioned in the video:
My site, One Noteworthy Life:
OneNote Bullet Journal Facebook group:
OneNote for iPad Facebook group:
Plan With Me Playlist:
Be Ready Playlist:
3-Month experiment video, Fixing My Overwhelming Daily Page:
The Full Focus Planner:
Filming Equipment:
Logitech C920 Webcam:
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I like to write down something good that happens each day! Here is November all filled in!