Here is January’s calendar all filled in with something good that happened each day! This is a habit I’ve been doing for several years, and it really helps me to stay positive and remember that good things happen every day!

Use OneNote to live an accomplished and fulfilled life
Here is January’s calendar all filled in with something good that happened each day! This is a habit I’ve been doing for several years, and it really helps me to stay positive and remember that good things happen every day!
In this video, I show you how to create a simple overview of the year using the table function in OneNote. I’ve used this annual plan for several years so I have a few bonus tips to share to make it even more useful!
Links mentioned in the video:
My site, One Noteworthy Life:
Creating Links in OneNote video:
Plan With Me Playlist:
Come join the discussion in the two Facebook communities I host!
OneNote Bullet Journal Facebook group:
OneNote for iPad Facebook group:
I like to fill in my monthly calendar by noting something good that happened each day! Here is December, all filled in!
In this video, I show you how I archive notebooks I don’t need to see right now. Your OneNote account comes with free storage on Microsoft’s cloud service OneDrive, and that space gives you room to store a lot of notebooks.
Links mentioned in this video:
My site, One Noteworthy Life:
OneNote storage video:
OneNote Bullet Journal Facebook group:
OneNote for iPad Facebook group: