I like to fill in my monthly calendar by noting something good that happened each day! Here is December, all filled in!

Use OneNote to live an accomplished and fulfilled life
I like to fill in my monthly calendar by noting something good that happened each day! Here is December, all filled in!
In this video, I show you how I archive notebooks I don’t need to see right now. Your OneNote account comes with free storage on Microsoft’s cloud service OneDrive, and that space gives you room to store a lot of notebooks.
Links mentioned in this video:
My site, One Noteworthy Life: http://www.onenoteworthylife.com
OneNote storage video: https://youtu.be/mwTDMEh6K4o
OneNote Bullet Journal Facebook group:
OneNote for iPad Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OneNoteforiPad/
Timestamps for this video (in case you want to skip ahead):
3-Month experiment results: 14:48
December Planning: 23:18
This is a plan with me video for November and December 2019. This video also included the results of a 3-month experiment I did during August to October using a paper planner and system to help to train me to not overschedule myself every day.
Links mentioned in the video:
My site, One Noteworthy Life: http://www.onenoteworthylife.com
OneNote Bullet Journal Facebook group:
OneNote for iPad Facebook group:
Plan With Me Playlist:
Be Ready Playlist:
3-Month experiment video, Fixing My Overwhelming Daily Page:
The Full Focus Planner:
Filming Equipment:
Logitech C920 Webcam: https://amzn.to/343CXct
This description contains affiliate links.
I like to write down something good that happens each day! Here is November all filled in!
I like to write down something good that happens each day on my monthly calendar! Here is October’s calendar all filled in!
In this video, I show you an overview of how I transition from month to month. I start with an overview of last month’s goals and things that happened and set new goals and plans for the upcoming month.
Links mentioned in the video:
One Noteworthy Life: https://www.onenoteworthylife.com
OneNote Bullet Journal Facebook group:
OneNote for iPad:
Take Note Chat:
Be Ready Playlist:
Peak Performance book:
The above description contains an affiliate link.
Since I keep my actual appointments in Google Calendar, I like to use my monthly calendar in OneNote to write down something good that happened each day! Here is September all filled in:
In this video, I show you how I review the prior month and set up for the upcoming month.
Links mentioned in the video:
One Noteworthy Life: http://www.onenoteworthylife.com
OneNote Bullet Journal Facebook group:
Take Note Chat:
Be Ready Playlist:
Focus experiment: Working on Postal Mail:
Full Focus Planner experiment:
Peak Performance book:
Full Focus Planner:
The above descriptions contains affiliate links.
This is an progress update on my 2019 theme of “Be Ready.” I show you what I have done and learned, and how it is changing my life so far.
Links mentioned in the video:
One Noteworthy Life: https://www.onenoteworthylife.com
OneNote Bullet Journal Facebook group:
Be Ready Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD0xjHlndAs&list=PLKKHp6G26GcnKoa0V1bfrnDK65Itbtvmn
Focus Experiment, processing postal mail:
Flylady: http://flylady.net/
I like to write down something good that happened each day! Here is August, all filled in!